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Lack of glycosylation does not affect the antigenicity of epithelial mucin 1 in a rare case of aglyconic extramammary Paget's disease
Lady is not for burning
Language laboratory
LaVoie Hall
LaVoie Hall from Penafort Pool
Leaders' perceptions of the importance of trust in their organization
Learned helplessness and bullying : at risk for cyberbullying
Learning and implementing new device technology at the bedside : a phenomenological study of medical surgical nurses
Learning style preferences and college student achievement in introductory science classes
Lessons in leadership : using qualitative feedback from leader-educators to enhance leadership courses
Levels of masculinity in Mr. Right and Mr. Right Now
Library cataloger, Beth Donovan, typing bibliographic data on a new computer terminal
Library located in the rotunda of Adrian Hall
Library moving day
Library periodicals reading room
Light of Flames Award
Lightning safety knowledge of coaches, athletic directors, and certified athletic trainers involved with high school athletics
Lily pond at the botany garden
Linguistic differences between the genders
Linguistic indicators of deception when inviting speculation
Little Singers of Paris
Liturgy engaged : an exploration of liturgical participation as an act of human empathy
Liturgy for Christian living : a liturgy-based catechesis for conversion ecclesiology in the rite of Christian initiation of adults (RCIA)
Living on the hyphen : terrorism - Hezbollah : an exploratory case study in organizational learning
Living room at the Practice House for the Home Economics Department
Lobbyist : the influence surrounding marijuana laws and regulations in the United States
Looking up: Cor Jesu Chapel bell tower
Lower body neuromuscular activation during dynamic squats on an indo board
Lt. Louise LaJeunesse as a dietetic intern at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC